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Women's Day at St. Michael's Church, KGF

The KGF area womens fellowship celebrated "The Womens Day" at St. Michael's Church, KGF. The CSI synod women's fellowship president Dr. Mrs.Esther Samuel was the guest of honour as well as the special speaker of the day, it was a great opportunity rendered to KGF area women's fellowship to wish and honour the newly elected Women's fellowship president Dr.Mrs.Esther Samuel. The day was followed with the KGF area women's fellowship performing choreography exhibiting their talents. The post lunch session, a competition on "walk the bible"was conducted, were the "women were asked to dress like the men of the bible" and walk the ramp, followed was a debate "Pattimandram" on the topic..... " Who exhibits tremendous faith? Men or the Women? Women spoke with all enthusiasm and gave a though fight. Dr. Mrs.Esther Samuel moderated the debate and gave a good judgment.

The KGF area womens fellowship also periodically conducted singing, choreography, Walk the bible competitions at different time line and the final winners were awarded prizes on the women's day. Our thanks to Bishop amma, Dr. Mrs.Esther Samuel for her gracious presence along with the Officers of The KCD women's fellowship, The KGF area chairperson, the pastors, as well as the St.Michael's church women's fellowship and the KGF area women .

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